Undefeated at Genghis Con 2023
5280 Legion at Genghis Con 2023!
Written by Jonathan Johnson (@Gutrik)
The crew at Gamer Girl Games once again ran 2023’s edition of Genghis Con, a weekend full of board games in Aurora, Colorado. This event occurred from February 24th through the 26th, hosting all kinds of games – but the 5280 Legion crew was there to do what we do best - Star Wars Legion! The one day tournament (as always) was a major success, with 26 players playing 3 rounds of standard 800-point Legion during the day. The venue was amazing (clean bathrooms across the hall and a nearby bar go such a long way), and Dark Troopers and Gideon had released just in time! Everyone walked away with a prize from all the generous donors of the event with the local gaming stores such as Mythic Games. This was a great warm-up opportunity for players who are preparing for the upcoming Frontline Games event Rocky Mountain Open, happening in just two weeks!
The 5280 Crew at the end of the day! Still a lot of smiles after 3 rounds of Legion!
For this blog entry, we have a recap from the four players who went undefeated at Genghis Con 2023, running through their games played, some of the thoughts they had for list building, some minor discussion on new terrain seen at the event with the new rule set and more. We’ve provided each players response to the questions all together: so that you can stay on topic and get some behind the scenes info from some of our players. See the Game Uplink for list information, scores, overall standings, etc. and more: https://legion.gameuplink.com/events/star-wars-legion-at-genghiscon-2023/
Note: We have a planned upcoming recap from our event organizer and consulars, so stay tuned for that in the near future!
Without further ado: your undefeated players from Genghis Con 2023!
(From left to right: Jon (@Gutrick), Joe (@Ezsvns [5280 Discord], @Sevynz [The Legion Discord], Blake (@Blokanator), Mike (@Mythic Games Colorado))
Mike Agnew (@Mythic Games Colorado)
Editor’s note: Mike’s List Name = Wizard Lizard, Eddie Izzard, Chicken Gizard, just play Blizzard
What were you playing? What decisions did you make while building your list? Was there anything that you went back and forth on in the list building process? What about objectives? Did you care for red vs blue? Did a bid (if you went for it) matter?
Mike: I was playing Vader + Quad Bike Blizzard Force. I had been playing electrobinoculars on the Imperial Officer, but the deflect change has made Into the Fray a pretty solid on force users with the Deflect keyword so I dropped the electrobinoculars for Into the Fray and a bit more bid. I had briefly considered sacrificing my bid for an Ion Gun on one of the Snowtroopers to have better play against Dark Troopers, but in the end this list needs to play it’s battle deck. I ended up playing Rapid Reinforcements in my deck, but now believe I'll remove that for fear of Dark Troopers starting so close to my Corps. Blizzard needs its objectives as bikes can't do the objective on Sabotage the Vaporators, Intercept the Transmissions, and Recover the Supplies, and Payload feels bad right now (hopefully that gets fixed). But an 18-point bid secured me Blue every round.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
Mike: I grew up watching the Ninja Turtles and have always loved turtles in general. My Rebel AA5 is painted up like the turtles Van and I have a large turtle tattoo on my back.
Blake Sewell (@Blokanator):
What were you playing? What decisions did you make while building your list? Was there anything that you went back and forth on in the list building process?
I wasn’t actually planning on attending Genghis Con at first. After playing a quick practice game with Gideon and Dark Troopers (DKTs) after their recent release I knew I wanted to participate and really showcase what they could do.
Right off the bat I knew I wanted Moff Gideon and at least one unit of DKTs. I went back and forth on a Stormtrooper gunline complimenting the single DKT unit or just investing the points on 2 DKTs. After deciding on 2 DKTs, I thought about how to equip them. I thought about taking the Darksaber or not and thought about how lean I could run Boba Fett. DKTs are such an investment to begin with so I figured that running them lean didn’t make any sense. I made room for double heavies on both. I took Boba with no upgrades in order to fit Darksaber and Improvised Orders on Gideon
Looking back after Genghis- I never swung with the Darksaber. Perhaps it was enough of a deterrent to keep him out of melee, but those points could have been better spent on some upgrades for Boba Fett.
What about objectives? Did you care for red vs blue? Did a lack of bid matter?
I decided not to take a bid pretty early on with recent core rule changes putting Red in a slightly better position. I knew with Dark Troopers I would not be able to outbid threats like Blizzard Force so instead I just landed on the full 800 points.
I usually prefer Red. I love picking my table edge and having the last vote on objectives.
I was put in some awkward positions during turn zero. This list feels like 10 acts on Sabotage but only 8 acts on Breakthrough, for example.
Joe Lanza (@Ezsvnz)
Editor’s Note: Joe’s list name: Now this is NOT Pod Racing
What were you playing?
I was playing a 9 activation Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Gunline with Anakin, Pyke Capo, x2 Pykes with heavy and soldier, x2 P2 with med trooper and grenade launcher, x2 P1 with RPS and an Echo strike team.
What decisions did you make while building your list?
I wanted to fire support the disruptor from the Pykes with the RPS at range 4 to poke and as prep for dark troopers. Adding the extra Pyke soldier for the cache aim I also wanted a tanky gunline that can weather shots, so I went with force barrier and defense stance on Ani, the med troopers and Pyke capo dodge support.
Was there anything that you went back and forth on in the list building process?
I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to go with saber throw or barrier on Anakin. Either would have dictated the way I built the rest of the list. I went with the defensive build.
What about objectives?
I preferred intercept, kp and hostage.
Did you care for red vs blue?
I built expecting red but if I had the choice it would depend on after seeing my opponents battle deck. I usually prefer red as I love picking deployment zones that work best for me and my list depending on mission. It’s also really nice having the veto control as red.
Did a bid (if you went for it) matter?
Not in this case as I knew I would be outbid by any Blizzard and I wanted the upgrades I took.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself
My three sister’s names are Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday. (Yes, the days they were born.)
Jonathon Johnson (@Gutrik)
Editor’s Note: Jon’s list name: "Bad news. You can’t live here anymore."
I came into this event with a list I had played once before, but I was familiar with a lot of the pieces. My primary goal was to simply play the Mandalorian, as I’m pretty hyped for Season 3 coming on March 1st, 2023.
The Imperial Officer and Din Djarin are pretty straight forward builds, potentially the one highlight here is the choice to bring Mando’s Flame Projector upgrade. I personally like using this to make sure if I need to get Mando out of combat, he can do that instead of being tied down for too long. The Snowtroopers were brought along to provide Mando a few extra dodges when they could, and be a pair of thumbs/activation when necessary.
For the Shoretroopers, I wanted to make sure they had the range 4 heavy gun to poke into enemies, alongside the AT-ST. I also really enjoy Targeting Scopes on them, with the heavy, Critical 1 keyword, and Precise 1, you can tend to land a lot of hits overall. The Mortars are pretty straight forward, they are a cheap activation and provide suppression which is aligned with the AT-ST’s mortar gun too.
For the AT-ST, I tried it last without the Mortar Launcher, and only brought the Grenade Launcher and the Twin Light Blaster Cannon, but this time around I made sure to deck the whole thing out. I never ended up using the Grenade Launcher all day, but with the new cover rules I wanted to be prepared to flush an enemy out if necessary.
Finally, my “hot take” if you want to call it that was bringing two full units of Scout Troopers with Duck and Cover. My goal with these guys were to walk them behind the AT-ST since the AT-ST would block line of sight to the scouts, and then once the AT-ST had cleared a path, they would pop out and take a shot. I never used the AT-ST for this intent, but the Scout Troopers proved to work really well in the list. They were hard to defeat without concentrated fire, and when they fired back I was quite lucky and they rolled above average I think. Additionally, I like to use them to whittle off dodges from force users, clearing out dodges and absorbing any deflect hits back into them instead of absorbing the deflect shots into the scouts. Overall though, the scouts did a great job and did what I needed to do: attack strong after the long-range shots from the T-21b, mortars and AT-ST weakened opponents or provided enough suppression to limit my opponents actions (attacks with no aims were pretty easy to shrug off for the Scout Trooper units with heavy cover + low profile).
For objectives, I wanted to make sure that I didn’t play anything that required a lot of thumbs (Sabotage the Vaporators for example), and I tried to avoid long edge board deployments. I also only had a one point bid: I expected I would be red player all day (which didn’t happen, I was blue twice and red once).
My fun fact: I do a lot of list building or hypothesizing on long bike rides – last year I rode ~2,500 miles on my bicycle, so we’ll see how many miles I do this year!
Battle Reports From the Undefeated Players
Give us a quick run-down of your three games and what you played.
Mike: (Playing Vader + Speeder Bike Blizzard Force)
Game 1:
I played Max and his Vader/Triple Dews/IRG list. We played on the elevated treetop platforms board and that was a huge advantage for me as I could deploy up top and his Dewbacks can't climb. We played Key Positions/Hemmed In/Supply Drop and with bikes and Dewbacks we were shooting each-other from turn 1 on. Our game ended at time on turn 5 unfortunately and when time was called I was the only one who could reach the middle KP. I was up 7 acts to his 4 at that point so we kinda figured I would have taken it in turn 6 but it was a bummer not to finish such a good game.
Game 2:
I played James and his Vader/Iden/Triple Imperial Special Forces (ISF) list. We ended up on Key Positions/Danger Close/Clear Conditions. I was a bit afraid of the kinda alpha strike that Iden + Triple ISF can unload so I deployed in the back of my zone kinda conceding the middle of the board to him. His late deployments included Inferno Squad and a unit of ISF that infiltrated very close to the long edge of my deployment zone and I deployed Vader right on top of them. Implacable turn 1 meant that he dealt 12 damage turn 1 between all 3 ISF squads. My Vader died to his Vader at the start of turn 4 and had done so much damage that James couldn't recover against the rest of my list at full strength. His Vader died at the end of that turn and he conceded.
Game 3:
I played William (@PneumaticPanic) and his AAT/Triple STAPs list. Finally, I didn't have to face another Vader and instead he had the tank that wrecks force users if it can get shots on them. We Played Bombing Run/Hemmed In, Clear Conditions. Our game was slow moving. Not because we weren't playing quickly, but because we each attacked with 8-9 units on turn 1, and the movements of speeders on bombing run and where troopers can't pick up bombs all takes extra time to measure. It didn't help that he switched tables at the start and were a little behind because of that too. But it was another bloody game and William definitely showed me that STAPs are still very good. I felt like they were always in heavy cover with 2 dodges. The time limit may have been a big deciding factor in this game as it made William blow up a bomb turn 1 that he otherwise would have waited on because it hit all 3 of his STAP units and none of my speeder bike units. Vader died on turn 4, but after Vader killed 3 & 1/2 B1 squads and his Magnaguards. The game ended turn 4 and we finished up at 3 to 3 and went to points.

Editor’s Note: William’s AAT pictured above won best single model at Genghis Con 2023! Congrats William!
Blake: (Playing Gideon and Dark Troopers x2)
Game 1:
Versus Drew’s Shadow Collective. I walked into my first game already pretty intimidated by my opponent and his list. Two buses with decked out Black Sun can actually be a pretty big threat to my DKTs and landing on Breakthrough on top of that was all around a bad spot for me. I postured in a way early on that led to him committing his Swoops bikes and buses into a direct engagement with the DKTs. I mostly used DKTs to keep his Black Sun from disembarking. Using standby to cycle the Frag Launcher and keep it ready for any incoming Black Sun bought me enough turns for Boba to decimate the Swoop bikes. Once I had an advantage in scoring activations I felt more confident in taking Game 1.

Game 2:
Versus Zander’s Rebels was a prime example of the importance of turn zero. We both sat at 800 points and the initial roll off let me choose player color. Being able to review Zander’s battle deck had me confidently choose Red. After the flip, Rapid Reinforcements was in the second slot. This was a terrible position for Zander to be in as he had to waste both of his vetoes to make sure he didn’t face DKTs on Rapid. We played Sabotage on Hemmed In. The table we played on featured lots of line-of-sight blocking terrain and some height 2 mixed in. By the top of turn 2, his Cassian and K2 were both defeated and I was in a powerful position to contest 3 of the 4 objectives.

Game 3:
Versus Chris’s 501st was by far the toughest game of the day (as it should be). DKTs aren’t too scared of force users, but they are scared of Anakin’s saber throw. We played Intercept with his 501st being able to castle in the middle pretty early. Initial engagements resulted in an easily destroyed AT-RT, but Anakin clapped back on turn 2 with a Fire Supported Saber Throw cutting down 6 wounds of a DKT unit. I conceded the middle objective on scoring rounds 2 and 4. I played pretty cagey with standbys and Gideon’s Ruthless to sneak a tie on Victory Points by the end of 6 and I led on Kill Points.

Joe: (Playing Anakin + Pykes Gunline)
Game 1:
Was against Dalton with his Iden, ISF gunline with Cad Bane. I was red, we played Key Positions in clear conditions on major offensive. A lot of positioning in the first two rounds while I mitigated a lot of his range poke with Anakin. Turn three was his Tactical Strike turn, I had positioned my Pykes in front with vigilanced dodges from before. His ISF moved with their shots and I was able to really mitigate a lot of the damage with the outmaneuvered Pykes with dodges along with barrier. I was able to get a head with my response in the form of fire supported Pyke shots. After which I set Anakin up for the dive at the bottom of turn three. Anakin got into his lines about mid board in turn four allowing my full force to move onto the center KP while I took suppressive pop shots with the motors to slow his core. 2-1 key positions end of turn 5.
Game 2:
Was against Jeff (@painting_for_the_emperor) with his Kraken, triple flamer spider, triple B2-HA t-series, magna, B1 with repair. I was red, we played hostage in limited visibility on roll out. My hostage carrier was a P1 squad and Jeff chose his B2s. This was the toughest game I’ve had since playing this list. Jeff’s spiders moved in immediately creating a flaming screen wall of death that took any cover away once he had LOS. He moved his B2s and spiders in early and aggressively. By the end of round 3 I had to medic my hostage carrier twice just to get them to my deployment, was down a whole Pyke squad, a P2 unit and echo. My hostage carrier only had two bodies left. I was able to take out just two spiders and a model from his hostage carrier and some wounds on Kraken. Turn 4 I dove Anakin into his hostage carrier killing half, was able to take out Kraken and Anakin weathered an insane amount of shots going down to one wound. Next turn (five) I took the carrier out with Anakin before he went down from the magna guard charge. At this point his hostage was too far to make it into his deployment in turn 6 after the previous carrier shot a couple turns and was pushed twice.
Game 3:
Was against Dustin (@KUPirhana) playing a standard Vader Blizzard force list. I was red again, we played key positions in clear conditions on battle lines. He started layering his bikes in to take shots early. I mitigated most with dodges and barrier. I knew if I could weather the initial volley and have a good response back I could pull a head. By turn 2, Vader was making his way into my lines and I had taken out a full squad of bikes while bringing two others down to a single bike where I was almost down a full P1 squad. Turn 3 I had a difficult time deciding what card to play next either power up Anakin or setup a fire support. Dustin played Vader’s fear and dead men and I played assault setting up to fire support. He chose to go with Vader early. I pushed him out of melee and began to work him down with two units of Pykes fire supporting with phase 2s. I lost 6 models total from blanks due to fear and dead men but that also meant that Vader was down to one wound. I was able to finish Vader off in the next turn he rolled three surges and two blocks for saves after I took the priority roll on Dustin’s Implacable turn using Anakin. Anakin then weathered several shots with his dodge support and heavy cover. Moving to end game I was able to poke at range 4 with my suppressive motors into his HRUs to limit their activation economy while I moved my force to center KP taking it 2-1. It’s a very nice change to be able to shoot then move with the cumbersome heavies.
Jon: (Playing Mando AT-ST)
Game 1:
Game one I was paired up against Cody, who was playing Gideon, an Imperial Officer, a Dark Trooper unit (assault cannon only), Boba Fett, Mando, and 3 stormtroopers + T-21 heavies. We played Key Positions, Advanced Positions, and Fortified Positions. The map was great! It was an Endor themed map, with a lot of height 1 walkways, with some height two buildings that could be climbed. Neither Cody or I used any of the height two, but he and I both used the height one walkways quite a bit. Turns 1 and 2 were a lot of positioning to start moving our forces closer to each other. Cody’s Mando not having a jetpack really limited his ability to jump around the battlefield, and I realized Cody was trying to capture a bounty with Mando’s Amban eventually. Once that clicked, I made sure that my Imperial Officer was hidden well behind my AT-ST.
The big thing I kept waiting for was Cody to drop Gideon’s two-pip and drop the dark troopers in my back line to contest my back Key Position. In turns 2 and 3, I made sure to move units back closer to my back Key Position and I cohered them in as wide a fashion as I could to try to block and limit Cody’s ability to drop them into my backline. Because of that, Cody had to choose a suboptimal location to drop his DKTs in. I started taking out activations of Codys as we traded fire between the AT-ST, and Shoretroopers that worked well for me. Boba and Din were not able to really push any major angles into my units which was really helpful for me. I was able to take and hold the middle objective, and by denying Cody’s DKTs from my back objective, I was able to seal the win for this game.
Set-up beginning, but you can see the table layout (mostly, except for the platform and stairs on the left side!)
Game 2:
I played again on an Endor themed table (this one from Imperial Terrain) – against Dennis. Dennis was playing a hard Rebel “Herohammer” style list, with Han, Chewie, Cassian, Rebel Boba, 2 veteran units with 2 MKIIs, one rebel trooper unit, and one full Scout squad. This map also featured a lot of suspended walkways, that were over height 2 – so not something that units could easily walk up with the new climb rules or anything. On this map, we played Advanced Positions, on Key Positions, and Fortified Positions. Both Dennis and I deployed some units on the surface of the table, and some units up top. One thing I think we might both lament was that we deployed our emplacement troopers ahead of our detachment units (Rebel Veterans or Shoretroopers). The walkways were not wide enough for a regular unit to walk past the emplacement trooper, essentially creating a bottleneck!
The shots started firing early in this match: Dennis aggressively infiltrated his Cassian to kick off a Crack Shot on turn one. Cassian did a bit of work, but I was able to strip his standby token, leaving Cassian out in the open. My scout troopers were able to leap onto Cassian, and put a few wounds into him. We ended turn one with his Cassian having one health left. We went into turn 2 and I decided to go big for Mando’s “This is the Way” command to try and capture the bounty I had placed on Cassian. Dennis wisely played “Change of Plans” which he then played a two pip (I think it was Push?). I played Mando’s “I Like Those Odds” and I won the roll off for priority for the turn. I was able to issue Mando an order, moved him into a range 3 shot, rolled two crits, and spent the aim from the command to pierce any defense Cassian might have rolled. With that turn I went up 1-0 in Victory Points, and from there I was able to play a little defensively until we got to the end of the game when I was able to contest the middle key position and my backline key position.
Game 3:
Game three had me nervous: I walked up to the table and saw a GAR list, with a saber tank. I’m pretty sure I’ve never played against a saber tank. I had no idea what the expect from Jake’s list. This was the one game of the day that I did not win the bid, and so we played on Jake’s deck. After the flip, we landed on playing Major Offensive with Payload and Fortified Positions. I was able to line up my forces in a way that I was able to easily move my payload up the field to the location I needed it to get to. Jake was able to also move his payload in close to his destination, but I eventually planned to block it with my AT-ST to slow its advance, but I was also able to overwhelm his ability to keep up with his payload too, between slowly defeating bodies out of his list and suppressing units so that they were limited to one action during each activation. I made a critical error against an amazing shot Jake made at my Mando on turn two or three: Jake fired the main gun, a laser cannon, and then fire supported a Z-6 squad into Mando for ~16 dice into Mando (that I think all converted eventually into hits). I forgot to spend a dodge, and that killed Mando! I was sad about that, because it gave Jake the ability to really get moving with his R2-D2 to try to score a secret mission victory point, who Mando had placed a bounty on. I recognized the threat that R2-D2 imposed on me, and decided to take action with a fire-supported AT-ST shot with a Shoretrooper mortar unit into R2. I was able to push through just enough damage to defeat him in one shot with the two laser cannons that the AT-ST provided plus the mortar’s dice. Jake used his BARC speeders to try to flank my army, but I was able to get my payload along and move it that the BARCs ended up not really doing a lot other than harassing, and my mortars were able to continue to suppress Jake’s units into not being very effective. Padme was in the back sharing dodges and other tokens with the clones, which helped mitigate some of the suppression, but I was able to slowly whittle Jake down until he did not have too many options. We finished that game with my payload delivered in base contact with my objective, and Jake was at range 2 of his objective.
Big Picture Thoughts from the Undefeated Players
Thoughts on dark troopers? did you face any (or did you play them?) and did you have any initial impressions?
Mike: I was cautious about them coming in, I had considered Ion guns on snows, or replacing the RT97s for HH-12s or something crazy to boost my impact, but in the end I didn't want to make changes I couldn't test so I stuck with what I knew. I only played them in one practice game and luckily didn't face them during the event because that game didn't go well.
Blake: Dark Troopers are fun. They can’t be ignored like other Heavies and provide a unique threat for the opponent to deal with. They aren’t slow, and you don’t need Gideon’s 2-pip to dive them in. They still die when they are shot at and Impact is particularly effective due to the lack of any cover. This build really lets someone like Boba Fett just run rampant as he appears to be a secondary threat next to the DKTs.
Joe: I added impact 6 at range 4 in preparation for them but never faced any during the tournament. My thoughts are you have to take early consistent shots at them or they will move in quicker than you know and ruin your day.
Jon: I played them in only one of my three games on Saturday at the event, in my first match against Cody. I think I probably was overly cautious with how spread out I was in my backline to make sure I was limiting Cody’s options for an airdrop, but I think it ended up working out well for me overall. I heard about some nasty attacks that DKTs were able to perform (for example one of Blake’s games DKTs fire supported a Boba Fett shot. Yuck!).
The community put together some amazing tables for the event at Genghis Con. what thoughts/impressions did you have on terrain at the event overall?
Mike: The boards were amazing as usual. I walked around before we started to get a look at them. Unfortunately, my 3 games were played on tables that either belong to my friend Steve or to me personally so I didn't get to play on something new to me. Although my Felucia table that I played round 2 on did have new stuff we added just before the tournament to give it more LOS blocking and height so that was new at least. Would have loved to play on Zander's board or the other Endor board in particular. The new climbing rules definitely make many more possibilities for what we can do with tables and I'm excited to see what the community does going forward.
Blake: The terrain was incredible! I always feel so lucky to walk into any local tournament and see the top-notch tables that everyone has put together. The 5280 Legion community has really enhanced my gaming experience.
Joe: The 5280 Legion tables are always top tier and always take up a lot of the attention. They were all thematic and incredible to play on.
Jon: As always, the boards like everyone else has mentioned were spot on as far as theme goes. I did not do a lot of scouting or recon of tables during the event, only really focused on the tables I played on myself.
Did you have any major lessons learned with terrain yesterday you want to share?
Mike: Just that everything has heavy cover in the new rules. I maybe had 3 uncovered shots all day, and 2 of those were point blank bike shots.
Blake: I didn’t play on any tables with lots of bridges, but I could understand that “Endor-like” tables with height 2 bridges and pathways could change up a lot of traditional legion strategy. I personally love the tables I played on that had some height 2 thrown in the mix (mostly to let Boba flex his movement).
Joe: Yes, every time I was red I chose the best piece I could find for the missions that were available. They had a huge impact on all three of my games.
Jon: Keep in mind now that you cannot walk through emplacement or creature troopers anymore! On the “Endor-like” boards, where the elevated walkways might be narrow, keep that in mind if you’re going to put a mortar or MK-II in front of a squad of troopers: you might limit your choices for advancing on objectives.
Lots of discussion talked about a lot of the height 1, height 2 terrain that the organizers established. did you have any interesting interactions with terrain?
Mike: I kinda went over it in my recap of game 1, but my ability to deploy up high in that game and stay away from the Dewbacks was really strong. Dewbacks shoot just fine, but they bite way harder.
Blake: Nothing of note.
Joe: Nothing of note.
Jon: No major notes, except that the tables did a great job of providing some height one and height two terrain throughout the event that I saw, and the new movement/climb rules really opened up a whole new dimension of play in my games! Don’t forget that vehicles can also be a huge piece of LOS blocking terrain too!
What was one memorable play for you during the day?
Mike: I had a lone speeder bike get to the back arc of an AAT and land an impact 3 shot that my opponent blanked on the save for!
Blake: It was either pulling off Gideon’s 2-pip to secure an objective or utilizing Gideon’s 3-pip for some huge Fire Support shots from the DKTs. Combined with Boba he nearly took down a Speeder Truck in one shot. I love the synergy with giving Dark Troopers fire support as they can still activate (from the bag) to reposition for better angles while still keeping the face up order.
Joe: Full Tactical strike shot into Pykes and them only taking a suppression due to barrier and dodges.
Jon: Oh man. Game two where Din was able to fire into a one-health unit Cassian, score two surges (convert to critical results) and then pierce one of those to score a bounty. It was the only bounty I scored all day, and felt great to do it with Din who was one of the centerpieces of my list! I also was very relieved that my attack into R2-D2 in game three was successful…though I had a full health unit of scouts right around the corner from R2 who would have tried to slow him down considerably if he escaped my AT-ST’s attack.
Was there an MVP activation in your list that really helped you through the day?
Mike: This list is at it's heart a Vader list, and he usually does a ton. He's the kind of unit that can carry a game when you need him to. His combination of Force Push, Force Choke, a devastating lightsaber, & his suite of command cards is unparalleled in the game right now.
Blake: DKTs take the heat, but Boba was really the MVP. I didn’t get any bounty kills on him but he was just a super flexible piece today.
Joe: Anakin really carried all the games for me. His barrier and exemplar dodges kept most my units alive and able to crack back with some force in response. Also, Pykes are still really good can be really terrifying when fire supporting with a full squad. 14b1r suppressive impact 1 critical 1 with a cache aim is no joke to walk into.
Jon: I think I’d have to go with the AT-ST, for my game. I brought it as an insurance against Dark Troopers, but didn’t see any DKTs and thus didn’t need to use it for this purpose. The mortar attack was heavily useful in all three of my games I think too, and that weapon had fallen a little out of my favor but I may be more inclined to include it moving forward.
Genghis Con was once again a great success and continues to be a cornerstone event in the 5280 legion circuit. Thanks so much to the EO Gus Woomer (@Survive) and to everyone who helped run the event. The sister event to Genghis Con, Tacticon, is scheduled for August 24th -27th 2023, so keep an eye on https://gamergirlgames.com/ and the 5280 discord for more information.
Edited by Stephen Cobb (@ASpaceViking)