Chaos Doubles @ the Rocky Mountain Open 2025
Announcing a new Sunday only chaos event concocted and TO'ed by our very own @TwopennyQuasar (Noah) - Pair up, each player is individually seeded a random list seed from, and work together to create the craziest team legion combos you can with doubles style list building. More details coming soon
Legion Grand Championship @ The Rocky Mountain Open
1000pt legion, Swiss Style Tournament!
The largest minigaming event in CO, open to players of all skill levels and ages.
More info coming soon.
The Outer Rim Shootout
4 rounds of skirmish with special list building rules to make it a shootout!
More info coming soon.
DM @Aaron Duree for info

Legion @ Tacticon 2024
Now officially a LVOI Series Qualifier!
Star Wars Legion Tournament: Tacticon by Gamer Girl Games 5280 Legion will be organizing a three day Stars Wars event held in Denver, Colorado on Aug 23rd-25th 2024. With a weekend convention pass, you will have access to three fantastic days of Star Wars Legion, massive amounts of prizes, and some of the best terrain in the community! Did we mention there is an amazing convention as well?
Day 1 - Friday 8/23 will be a Shatterpoint Tournament
Day 2/3 - Saturday and Sunday 8/24-8/25 will be a 64 player Legion 800pt Grand Tournament 5 round Swiss ( 3 then 2 rounds)
Day 3 - Sunday 8/25 is our own 5280 Legion special, an 800pt "Chaos Bracket".
Participants must have a randomized list as their starting point (300-350) from a faction of their choice generated from the Legion List Randomizer by the tournament organizer.
Purchase your weekend pass and convention badge at: Find out more in the document below:

TEG Summer Championship 2024
Open to players of all ages and skill levels! 2024 Store Champ Kit Promos for everyone who participates.
Sign Up Via Fill and Fire:
Pairings Through Game Uplink:
Full Schedule and More in the Event Document:
Questions? DM @ASpaceViking

Legion League @ Mythic Games Begins
Star Wars Legion 800 point league
Entry $20 Prizes = 100% of entries go into the store credit prize pool, plus Promos from the new store tournament kit! Start date = June 10th (New pairings every other Monday)
We will run rounds until we have 1 undefeated player remaining. You will have 2 weeks to schedule and play your 800 point game with your assigned opponent. Games are not required to be played at Mythic Games. You can use any form of communication to schedule your games, but joining the discord is the easiest way to reach out to everyone.
Mythic Discord Link =
Game Uplink = List and faction can change as often as you like.
DM questions to @ MythicGamesColorado

Rocky Mountain Open 2024
Join us for two days of legion at the Front Line Gaming Rocky Mountain Open!
Get your tickets here:
Main Event - 5 rounds of Swiss pairings, standard 800pt games. 3 games on Saturday, 2 games on Sunday. This event is perfect for players of all skill levels and should be great practice for those headed to worlds.
Chaos Bracket - Sunday only, 2 rounds. For those looking to spice it up and have some fun, we will hold a 2 round chaos bracket featuring random lists from Players can switch from the main event to the chaos bracket, or just sign up for the chaos bracket if they prefer.
More Info on the Event Here:

3rd Annual Outer Rim Shootout
Date: Feb 24, 2024
Registration at 10AM. We should be done by 6:30
Location: Old Town Museum in Burlington, CO (Outer Rim)
4 rounds of skirmish with special list building requirements focused on the shootout! Check out the event doc:
The cost of the event is $15. Questions? DM @AaronDuree
The Shootout is a blaster only event. No “hokey religions” or “ancient weapons” will be allowed. Melee weapons and attacks will be allowed as long as there are no kyber crystals involved. However, be aware that bringing a knife to a gunfight is never a good idea. In addition, you must include one of the following characters in your list according to faction:
Rebel Alliance - Lando Calrissian or Din Djarin
Galactic Empire - IG-88 or Iden Versio
Galactic Republic - Chewbacca or Padme Amidala
Confederation of Independent Systems - Kalani or Bossk
Shadow Collective - Gar Saxon or Cad Bane
The Bounty and Secret Mission key words will not be in effect for this event. Instead, each of the required named characters for each faction will have a 1VP bonus for their elimination. It does not matter which unit defeats them or whether that unit survives the match. This bonus also applies during the “Elimination” objective.
As a bonus, each faction will get a supply crate with a heavy weapon and several upgrades. The heavy weapon will be attached to a corp unit. The upgrades may be placed on any trooper unit regardless of their upgrade bar or upgrades currently attached. Once these upgrades are attached, they will not change for the duration of the tournament.

Gamer's Haven Tournament
Game Uplink coming soon!
Event Document:
Paying at the store day of is fine.
Questions? DM @JackH17 on the discord

Mythic Games Store Champ 5
Register on Game Uplink:
Store Championship with a world's invite on the line! 3 rounds of 800pt games then a cut to the top 2 (if necessary). Players of all skill levels welcome.
Questions? DM @MythicGamesColorado on the discord.

Collectormania Store Champ #3
Collectormania Store Championship with a world’s invite on the line.
Event document coming soon!

Mythic Games Store Champs #4
Star Wars Legion Store Championship #4
Saturday 12/16/23 10:30am (check-in starts at 10:00am)
$15 entry, 20 player cap 3 Swiss rounds, then we'll cut to the top 2 and those 2 will play for the invite after other prizes are awarded. This event is limited to 20 players.
Game Uplink coming soon.

Inconceivable Toys and Games Store Championship
More info coming soon! Store champ with 1-2 invites on the line depending on player count!

Mythic Games Store Champs #3
Star Wars Legion Store Championship #3
Saturday 11/18/23 10:30am (check-in starts at 10:00am)
$15 entry, 20 player cap 3 Swiss rounds, then we'll cut to the top 2 and those 2 will play for the invite after other prizes are awarded. This event is limited to 20 players.
Sign ups and game uplink coming soon

TEG League Season XV Begins!
Register Via Fill and Fire!

Collectormania Store Championship
Collectormania Store Championship with a worlds invite (assuming event hits 16 players).
More info coming soon!

TEG Fall Championship
3 rounds of 800pt games with a world’s invite on the line!
Register Via Fill and Fire:
Pairings Through Game Uplink:
Event Document with Full Schedule:

Mythic Games Store Champ #2
Mythic Games Star Wars Legion Store Championship #2
Saturday 10/21/23 10:30am (check-in starts at 10:00am)
$15 entry, 20 player cap 3 Swiss rounds, then we'll cut to the top 2 and those 2 will play for the invite after other prizes are awarded. This event is limited to 20 players.
Please Call the store to sign up at (303)-936-3660 during regular business hours to sign up.
Event Document
game uplink

Legion Night @ Total Escape Games
Total Escape Games is hosting Star Wars: Legion Open Play & League Night at our location in Broomfield on Thursdays, 5-9pm. League participants gets 10% legion product, so join in!
Stop by to enjoy matches of Star Wars: Legion with fellow players from around the Denver area. May the force be with you!

Wargaming Wednesday @ Mythic Games
Every Wednesday from 5PM-10PM Mythic Games hosts a night for Star Wars (and other IP) war games. Active players get 10% off any war game miniature purchase. Free to play, terrain is available.

Legion Tuesdays @ The Wizards Chest
Come play Legion on Tuesday nights at the Wizards Chest! Legion players will get priority for tables.
Drop by for a pick up game or post in the Wizard’s Chest channel on the discord to schedule one in advance.
451 N Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Star Wars Legion Sundays @ Mythic Games
At Mythic Games we host Star Wars Legion Sundays starting at 9am! Come down and join in!
Goodland Games Championship in Burlington, CO
Goodland Games will be hosting their store championship on September 30th.
The event will be at Old Town Museum in Burlington to save everyone another half hour drive. We will have space for 20 players. More information in July. Hopefully, a ticket to Worlds will be enough to entice players to travel to the Outer Rim for the day.

Legion Night @ Total Escape Games
Total Escape Games is hosting Star Wars: Legion Open Play & League Night at our location in Broomfield on Thursdays, 5-9pm. League participants gets 10% legion product, so join in!
Stop by to enjoy matches of Star Wars: Legion with fellow players from around the Denver area. May the force be with you!

Wargaming Wednesday @ Mythic Games
Every Wednesday from 5PM-10PM Mythic Games hosts a night for Star Wars (and other IP) war games. Active players get 10% off any war game miniature purchase. Free to play, terrain is available.

Legion Tuesdays @ The Wizards Chest
Come play Legion on Tuesday nights at the Wizards Chest! Legion players will get priority for tables.
Drop by for a pick up game or post in the Wizard’s Chest channel on the discord to schedule one in advance.
451 N Broadway, Denver, CO 80203

Star Wars Legion Sundays @ Mythic Games
At Mythic Games we host Star Wars Legion Sundays starting at 9am! Come down and join in!

Mythic Games Store Championship
Entry Fee – $15
How to Register – In Store or Over the Phone at (303)-936-3660
Game Play: 800pt Standard Legion Games. Swiss Pairings over 3 rounds, then a cut to top 2 for a final 4th round

Legion Night @ Total Escape Games
Total Escape Games is hosting Star Wars: Legion Open Play & League Night at our location in Broomfield on Thursdays, 5-9pm. League participants gets 10% legion product, so join in!
Stop by to enjoy matches of Star Wars: Legion with fellow players from around the Denver area. May the force be with you!

Wargaming Wednesday @ Mythic Games
Every Wednesday from 5PM-10PM Mythic Games hosts a night for Star Wars (and other IP) war games. Active players get 10% off any war game miniature purchase. Free to play, terrain is available.